Blogging journey

Whew…this was not difficult but was slightly confusing. It makes a big difference when you pay for a blog subscription because you get to use all the cool features it has to offer. I have always wanted to blog but never had the means to pay for the subscriptions that it required. I am one that always has something to say, and I am funny too. After this journey I might just take the leap and begin that personal blog. It might just bless someone.

Testing Plugins

I am not sure how this works because two of the three plugin’s I was suppose to use for the challenge I could not find in the list under any category, but I did find Pixabay. Now let’s see if it works. OOOPPS…looks like I cannot use it because I was unable to find the visual editor widget. I am beginning to think this blogging thing is not for me. I can’t seem to get things to work as they say they should, nor find things they say are there. I am second guessing this whole assignment.

Whole Child

So I was to add a video so I thought I would add a video about developing the whole child from YouTube. Hope you learn something new!

Embed content? Who knew?

I have always wanted to blog but felt it was just too overwhelming to try and figure out how people made their blogs look so creative. Well Now I know!

My four=legged babies

Photos and copyrights…hmmm

So….after reading all the plethora of information on images and copyrights I am completely convinced just not to use photos I haven’t taken myself. I thought written citations were difficult, this is a whole new level. Image licensing, several of them I might add, have so many rules and regulations that if you do not read all the fine print you are bound to cause infringement on the original creator. This reminds me of the fine print that no one reads before they get entangled into a life-long subscription for something they only planned to use once. Only, this time you are possibly breaking the law.

The best advice I can give on using images is to read the licensing agreements in their entirety before you post it…or simple just use your own. And when you do make sure you get those same guidelines put on yours so no one can just post yours to their pages.

If and when I use other peoples images it is normally through my Microsoft insert online picture links that send me to a creative commons section that has free to use licensing and it copies and paste the original creator to my work. I have found that to be the easiest thing to do. It dose not always look aesthetically pleasing but it is necessary.

Interesting first day!

Day One Assessment, Interesting!

By: Kenya Walker

Sept 13th, 2022

Tulip Classroom Routines

Today was exciting but nervous for me because I did not now what to expect in a toddler setting. The class was set up with open play and displays of the standards they addressed. This was something new to me, I was impressed. I gave me the understanding of what was to be developed in each space. The toddlers were given space to explore and play with guidance at times. I spent most of my time observing the routines to be of more assistance the next time. My MT was out for the day, so I was with another teacher. There was very little explanation to what I was supposed to do because she was unsure. I took the liberty to engage with play time and read one-to-one with student A because she showed interest in a particular book. She enjoyed the voices and dramatic play I incorporated into the book. Student b showed resistance to me being a new person in the setting. She was apprehensive and sought out the routine teacher for security and support. She was very shy until her friends came to class, she blossomed. This was a clear example of security needs and relational connections. As the day progressed and I showed interest in all the children, she became my friend as well. I enjoyed watching the independence of the toddlers and how they interacted with each other and the caregiver. They were accustomed to the classroom norms and proudly did their part in cleaning up and providing help to one another.

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